18.4 - Second Red Belt Patterns

18.4.1 - Palgue Pal Jang - A 35 stage pattern (Conduct Rightly)

Palgue Pal Jang from the Joon Be position:

  1. Turn 90 left, front stance, low block
  2. Draw left foot in 1/2 step toward right foot (walking stance) Simultaneously turn left fist palm up and pull in & up (free from grasp move) and in continuous circular motion, swing left fist up past right shoulder, over head, and down in hammerfist at shoulder level.
  3. Slide right foot forward into front stance, right middle punch pulling left fist back to waist.
  4. Pivot on left foot, slide right foot out and back in wide arc, turning 180 to front stance, low block
  5. Draw right foot in 1/2 step toward right foot (walking stance) Simultaneously turn right fist palm up and pull in & up (free from grasp move) and in continuous circular motion, swing right fist up past left shoulder, over head, and down in hammerfist at shoulder level.
  6. Slide left foot forward into front stance, left middle punch pulling right fist back to waist.
  7. Pivot on right foot, slide left foot out into backstance turned 90 degrees to the left (on original ready axis). Simultaneously with stance finish, finish double knife hand block.
  8. Slide right foot forward into front stance. Deliver left ba tang sohn nulla maki, right kwan soo do.
  9. Twist knife hand palm down and pull it sharply into position with back of open hand against small of back; simultaneously draw ball of left foot close behind and to the right of the right foot, bend at the knees, and pivoting on the balls of the feet, turn 360 to the left, closing left hand into fist while turning.
    (b): As turn completes, slide left foot forward 1/2 step into backstance, left backfist horizontally.
  10. Slide right foot forward into front stance, right high punch and kihap.
  11. Turn 270 left, pivoting on right foot, into backstance; neck-target left knife hand strike palm down.
    12->15 are done rapidly, one after another
  12. Draw left foot slightly in as an aid in pulling the left wrist free, which is assumed to be grabbed as a result of move #12; at the same time, twist the knifehand and pull it sharply in to the chest, palm up - to remove from opponent's grasp. Continue to look at knifehand target.
  13. Slide left foot out 1/2 step into horse stance, body facing center, eyes to target at left; left elbow strike to ribs... left hand held open, palm up.
  14. Pivot on ball of right foot, shift left foot slightly into front stance; at the same time, left outward block.
  15. Maintain front stance, right middle section punch.
  16. Pivot on ball of right foot, shift left foot into line with right foot into horse stance facing the same as the previous horse stance. At the same time, pull the right fist into position, palm down, on top of left fist, which is palm up, at left hip.
  17. Draw left foot into position immediately next to right foot, and then slide right foot 1/2 step to the right into right facing back stance. At the same time, neck-target right knife hand strike palm down.
    18->21 are done rapidly, one after another
  18. Draw right foot slightly in as an aid in pulling the right wrist free, which is assumed to be grabbed as a result of move #18; at the same time, twist the knifehand and pull it sharply in to the chest, palm up - to remove from opponents grasp. Continue to look at knifehand target.
  19. Slide right foot out 1/2 step into horse stance, body facing center, eyes to target at right; left elbow strike to ribs... right hand held open, palm up.
  20. Pivot on ball of left foot, shift right foot slightly into front stance; at the same time, right outward block.
  21. Maintain right front stance, left middle section punch.
  22. Pivot on ball of left foot, shift right foot into line with left foot and turn 90 to the left into horse stance. At the same time, pull left fist into position palm down over right fist palm up at right hip.
    As one smooth motion:
  23. Draw right foot up next to left foot, arch immediately behind left heel, then raise left foot up into hak dahri sohgi (crane stance), left hip facing back towards the beginning of the form. Keep left fist over right at right hip.
  24. Left high side kick, left high punch - leave left hand "out there"
    (b): Drop left foot down into left front stance, open palm of left hand and strike right elbow smash into left palm.
  25. Pivot on ball of right foot, shift left foot into line with right foot and turn 90 to right into horse stance, eyes away from start of form. At the same time, pull the right fist into position, palm down, on top of left fist, which is palm up, at left hip.
    As one smooth motion
  26. Draw left foot up next to right foot, arch immediately behind right heel, then raise right foot up into hak dahri sohgi (crane stance), right hip facing away from the beginning of the form. Keep right fist over left at left hip.
  27. Right high side kick, right high punch - leave right hand "out there"
    (b): Drop right foot down into right front stance facing away from beginning of form, open palm of right hand and strike left elbow smash into right palm.
  28. Pivot on right foot, shift left foot to right, crossing it behind right foot, (this is a normal short turn) turning 180 to face start of form into front stance. At the same time, execute spread middle block (cross forearms in front of chest and sweep outward, palms down).
    (b): Maintain front stance, double middle uppercut by pulling both fists back to chest, snap palm up as you strike to either side of opponents ribs.
  29. Slide right foot forward into front stance; execute spread middle block (cross forearms in front of chest and sweep outward, palms down).
    (b) Pull both fists back to chest and thrust them out again, snapping palm up, in double middle uppercut as in #28.
  30. Slide left foot forward into back stance, left inward knifehand block
  31. With left hand, grab and twist hand of opponent in front of you, pull it in to your left side. At the same time, pivot on ball of left foot and slide right foot backward in wide arc, spinning 180 to the right into horse stance, head to right looking towards start of form. At the same time, right backwards elbow strike, right hand open at waist, palm up.
  32. Draw left foot arch directly behind right heel and turn 90 left to face front; stand straight in moa sohgi (feet together) eyes front; place hands together, left palm on back of right hand in front of abdomen.
  33. Slide left foot out sideways into horse stance, at the same time, perform double elbow hug release with hands palm down in front of chest.
  34. Raise right foot slightly and step (slide) sideways to right still in horse stance; turn head to look over right shoulder, right elbow strike backwards, right hand palm up at waist, and at the same time perform high hooking punch over right shoulder with left fist.
  35. Raise left foot slightly and step (slide) sideways to the left still in horse stance; turn head to look over left shoulder, left elbow strike backwards, left hand palm up at waist, and at the same time perform high hooking punch over left shoulder with right fist.
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