15.4 - Blue Belt Patterns

15.4.1 - Pal gue O Jang - A 35 stage pattern (Order Rightly)

Palgue O Jang from the Joon Be position:

  1. Slide left foot back, right front stance; scissor block (left out)
  2. Turn left 90, left back stance; left dbl knife hand low block
  3. Advance, right back stance; right dbl knife hand middle block
  4. Retreat, left back stance; left palm heel center block, chamber right fist
  5. Advance, right front stance; right middle punch
  6. Turn 180, right back stance; right dbl knife hand low block
  7. Advance, left back stance; left dbl knife hand middle block
  8. Retreat, right back stance; right palm heel center block, chamber left fist
  9. Advance, left front stance; left middle punch
  10. Turn 90 left, left front stance; scissor block (right as outward)
  11. Advance, right front stance; right dbl middle lock
  12. Advance, left front stance; left dbl middle block
  13. Advance (left palm heel center block), right front stance; right kwan soo do
  14. Turn 270 back left, left front stance; left outward middle block
  15. Hold position; double middle punch, right->left
  16. Turn 90 right, leftward right crane stance; hold for one second
  17. Hold position; simultaneous high left side kick & left high punch...
    (b) ...drop into left front stance; right elbow strike to left palm
  18. Advance, right back stance; dbl right knife hand middle block
  19. Turn 180 back right, right front stance; right outward middle block
  20. Hold position; double middle punch, left->right
  21. Turn 90 left, rightward left crane stance; hold for one second
  22. Hold position; simultaneous high right side kick & right high punch...
    (b) ...drop into right frontstance; left elbowstrike to right palm
  23. Advance, left back stance; dbl left knife hand middle block
  24. Turn left 90, left front stance; scissor block (right as outward)
  25. Advance, right back stance; dbl right low block
  26. Advance, left back stance; dbl left low block
  27. Advance, right front stance; right middle punch & Kihap
  28. Turn 270 back left, left back stance; dbl left knife hand low block
  29. Advance, right back stance; dbl right knife hand middle block
  30. Retreat, left back stance; left palm heel center block
  31. Advance, right front stance; right middle punch
  32. Rurn 180 back right, right back stance; right dbl knife hand low block
  33. Advance, left backstance; left dbl knife hand middle block
  34. Retreat, right back stance; right palm heel center block
  35. Advance, left front stance; left middle punch
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