17.4.3 - Tae Guek Yuek Jang - a 23 stage pattern
Tae Guek Teuk Jang from the Joon Be position:
Joon be ------- Standard
- Turn 90 left into left front stance, left low block.
Right front snap kick, drop down into left back stance, left outward block.
Turn 180 right, right front stance, right low block.
Left front snap kick, drop down into right back stance, right outward block.
Turn 90 left into left front stance, right inward soo do, palm down, twist hip sharply left as you block.
Right roundhouse kick...
In this move, you turn 90 left. This is done by dropping the right foot out of the roundhouse kick along the previous line of travel, and advancing the left foot leftwards into a left front stance. Simultaneously left outward block, palm OUT; rapid continuous motion into right middle punch.
Right front snap kick into right front stance, left middle punch
Turn 180 right into right front stance, right outward middle block, palm OUT; rapid continuous motion into left middle punch.
Left front kick into left front stance, right middle punch
Turn 90 left into ready stance (you do this by pivoting on the ball of the right foot and sliding the left foot back next to the right foot at shoulder-width) - execute a SLOW mountain block by chambering arms at chest, right over left, and rotate out and downward... use extreme tension in this move, your arms should tremble with the power in use. DONT FAKE IT!
Slide right foot forward into right front stance, left inward knife hand block at face level, twist hips sharply right as part of block, simultaneously withdraw right fist.
Left roundhouse & kihap.
Drop left leg in front of you and turn 270 to the right pivoting on the ball of the left foot and sliding out with the right foot, right low block.
Left front kick; return left foot back behind right foot and transfer your weight to it in a right backstance; right outward middle block, palm OUT.
Turn 180 left into left front stance, left low block.
Right front kick; return right foot back behind left foot and transfer your weight to it in a left backstance; left outward middle block, palm OUT.
Turn 90 left in to left back stance (right foot crosses behind left foot) simultaneously execute left middle double soo do
Slide left foot backwards into right back stance, simultaneously execute right middle double soo do
Slide right foot backwards into left front stance, left palm heel center MIDDLE block
Right middle punch
Slide left foot backwards into right front stance, right palm heel center MIDDLE block
Left middle punch
Finish ------ Slide right foot back to joon be.
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